Friday, June 13, 2014

Lincoln Lake - Glacier National Park

Early June we decided to embark on a little more challenging hike, not difficult but a test of endurance. This hike, in to a gorgeous mountain lake in Glacier National Park, starts off pretty strenuous but it mellows out quickly.

Woke up feeling great, got things done and hit the trail at a leisurely 10:30 am. It's a steep, unrelenting grade for the first 1.6 or so miles, you'll definitely want a trekking pole on this venture. I didn't bring one and coming down that slope on the 14th mile of the day was pretty dang rough.

Once you get to the top of the first part it starts looking more like this, there's so much vegetation in between the trees! 

We crossed over a lot of water, little streams and creeks.

Coming down one switchback there was an oh-so tempting log. We just had to walk out on it. Of course at this point we were going down... uh-oh, we thought.

This seems to be a very good hike to do earlier in the season, there was minimal mud even though it had rained the day before and the bugs were not bad at all either. 

About 2 miles in! Yay. The trail splits off and you can hike over to Fish lake if you really wanted to but we were determined to make it in to secluded Lincoln lake. Having been told it was a trail you would only want to back pack it felt like a challenge to make it a day hike.

Along the way we began to see signs of animal activity... including very fresh bear movement. 

The farther you go, the more looming the mountains are, they just seem to get taller and taller!

Getting closer, 3.6 miles left according to the sign, now we're starting to get excited! Over half way there.

The scenery on the trail just keeps getting better and better. We saw a few robins eggs along the way.

The rest of the hike was pretty mellow terrain wise.

We made it!
I haven't exactly perfected the surround shot but it's still cool!

The way back was tiring but there was some exciting things too... like this log!

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