Thursday, July 31, 2014

Akokala Lake - Glacier National Park

Here's a post I should have made a while ago! I had the pleasure to go on a group hike with a bunch of lovely ladies from all different corners of the country. We went to Glacier National Park and took the trail to Akokala Lake. It was a very easy hike, low and mostly flat.

There wasn't a whole lot of crazy things or views on the trail but the lake sure was beautiful!

At this time of year the mosquitoes were eating us alive, you really couldn't stop, even with bug spray they were intolerable.

 Coming up on a small bridge, about three quarters of the way to the lake.

Here's the bridge.

What was neat on this trip is that we got passed by a forest service pack team.

The team was bringing in panels to be installed in the water ways. 

They are hoping to keep the Lake Trout population from infesting Akokala Lake. The Lake Trout is a growing problem in the parks waters.

There were two strings of 5, including the riders mount. It was pretty sweet to watch as they crossed over the creek while I waited for the rest of the group to catch up to me.

When we first arrived at the lake the surrounding peaks were shrouded in clouds creating an almost unreal look. It felt as if you could become enveloped in the soft puffy layers if only you were to stare intently enough. 

Much to my delight, as we sat there eating our lunches, the clouds began to drift away unveiling the magnificent peaks that laid underneath. 

At your farthest left, still beneath the clouds a bit, is Reuter Peak.
Kintla peak is in the middle to the left hand side, also just beneath some wispy clouds.
To the middle right and clear as day is Mount Peabody.
Numa Peak sits on the far right, towering above the lake.

The whole hike was just under 12 miles, so if you're looking for a little distance and an easy trail, this could be for you. 

With all the fish I saw, I would highly suggest bring a rod!

Happy Trails!

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