Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Birthday Weekend!

So I admittedly didn't do any hiking this weekend. I did have a very enjoyable time camping for my close friends birthday though!

Here are a few silly photos:

Matt enjoying the water.

We went to Blanchard lake which is South of Seeley Lake, MT by about 20 minutes. 2 hours and 20ish minutes from where I live.

Mr. Pike, caught by none other than the birthday boy himself! And he was yummy. <--- the pike I mean

Ron, my very talented pup... falling asleep suspended in mid air. How does he do it?! What would you call that a zzzuper power?

More silly antics! Ron is clearly not in to it all, or maybe he just wanted a butt photo? Either way I would say, mission accomplished.

Ron, self-appointed cooler guard.

Catching some waves, the Ron dog is so cool he even floats right along with us. Of course all we really caught were fish and moss but it sure was a blast!

Wooh for a fun weekend... until next time, happy trails and wiggly tails!

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